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Selva Vida sin Fronteras

25 years on the frontlines of the Amazon Rainforest

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Guided by the principle that Nature and all forms of life have the inalienable right to exist, the mission of SVSF is to protect the flora and fauna of the Amazon Rainforest and its ancestral indigenous communities. Across the globe, we partner with civil society, multilateral & bilateral Organisations, Universities, research institutions and NGO’s in order to attain our objectives.

Over the past 25 years, Selva Vida sin Fronteras has transcended the realm of hypothesis, as all our Programs and Projects are successfully being implemented in the field for at least ten years.

III.5 Biodiversity

What we do

Rainforest Aquisition


With donations, we purchase strategic acres of rainforest to stumble deforestation efforts



Oil companies have destroyed forest & soil in many areas, which we treat & make fertile again

Indigenous Community


Protect the Amazon Rainforest with its ancestral indigenous communities through Medicin Aid, Food Relief and Education

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Fight Oil & Mining Giants

Is not an easy battle

Oil is the primary sector of the Ecuadorian economy accounting for 50% of export earnings and 34% of tax revenues. However, the ecological and human cost of Amazonian oil is incalculable.

SVSF research statistics speak for themselves:

  • Since 1980, 1 billion gallons of toxic brine are drained annually into the watershed;

  • With a daily oil discharge of 2,100-4,200 gallons, the industry has dumped 35 million gallons of crude into the rivers;

  • Four million gallons of untreated toxic waste enter the watershed per day;

  • Three billion cubic feet of gas has been burnt without emission controls;

  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in drinking wells reaches 423,000 nanograms per litre; 28 nanograms equals a lifetime cancer threat, US and European health agencies recommend that the presence of PAHs in water be close to 0.

Reforestation is a long process

You cannot just plant a lot of trees...

While the Ecuadorian Amazon is the most species rich tract of Rainforest in the world, Ecuador has  the highest deforestation rate and worst environmental record in South America. Oil exploration, logging, and road building have had a disastrous impact on the country’s primary rainforests, which now cover less than 15 percent of the  land mass. In 2020, 10, 700 hectares of primary forest were cut and 27,237 hectares of tree cover disappeared in the Amazon region.

Consequently, SVSF is especially active in monitoring deforestation, illegal logging, forest fires and implements reforestation projects. We are pleased to be able to successfully reforest devastated lands with primary forest hardwoods and Bamboo (guadua). We provide technical assistance to Indigenous communities to facilitate and stimulate similar projects in their ancestral lands.

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Let's go from CO² emission to CO² absorption. 

We will plant a hardwood tree for you to reforest the Amazon Rainforest.

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Thank you for helping us protect biodiversity, so the Amazon Rainforest never fades into silence

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Selva Vida Sin Fronteras’  official ANBI status in the Netherlands is registered under RSIN 8224.36.358 and your donations also qualify as tax-exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

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Contact us

Amazon Reserve for Peace
Aguarico 3, km. 33, Via Tarapoa, Ecuador

Mariana Almeida
Executive President

+593 9 99842464 (ECT)

Alexandra van Maasdijk - Brouwer
President Selva The Netherlands

+31 6 11193697 (CET)

©2023 - Selva Vida Sin Fronteras

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